Proper pet skin care is an important component of your pet’s health. Animal House Veterinary Hospital is pleased to offer veterinary dermatology services. Pet dermatological conditions can be caused by both chronic and acute factors, such as:
- Environmental allergies
- Fleas
- Food allergies
- Ringworm
- Scabies (mange)
- Ticks
Proper diagnosis of the underlying condition is critical to ensure your pet receives the best possible treatment. Our highly skilled veterinary staff has the knowledge to diagnose the source of your pet’s condition. Our in-house lab has the technical capabilities to analyze blood samples and skin test results to aid in diagnosis, and our onsite pharmacy conveniently carries a wide selection of dermatological treatments for your pet.
Pet skin care is important for the health and safety of your pet and family. In some cases, your pet’s dermatological condition can be contagious to your other animal or human family members. Proper diagnosis and treatment are vital to keeping you safe and healthy.
Please inform us if you notice any signs that your pet may be experiencing dermatological problems such as:
- Ear infections
- Foul odor coming from the ears
- Hair loss—Patchy or symmetrical; may be the only noticeable sign
- Rubbing the head on the floor or ground
- Redness or swelling—Paws, legs, tail base, flank, neck, and/or armpit areas
- Scratching, licking, pawing, chewing, or biting at the skin
- Skin changes—Redness, thickening, foul-smelling, red bumps, scaling or crusting, or sores
Contact us to make an animal dermatology evaluation or appointment today. We are available to answer any questions you may have regarding your pet’s health.